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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = miłość] OR [Subject and Keywords = związek miłosny] OR [Subject and Keywords = związek intymny] OR [Subject and Keywords = socjologa pary] OR [Subject and Keywords = fazy miłości] OR [Subject and Keywords = etapy miłości] OR [Subject and Keywords = love] OR [Subject and Keywords = romantic relationship] OR [Subject and Keywords = intimate relationship] OR [Subject and Keywords = sociology of the couple] OR [Subject and Keywords = love phases] OR [Subject and Keywords = love stages] OR [Title = Miłość jako zmienny w czasie proces \- opinie i doświadczenia kobiet I mężczyzn dotyczące przebiegu związku intymnego = Love as a process changing over time \- opinions and experiences of women and men concerning the development of intimate relationships] OR [Creator = Czernecka, Julita]

Number of results: 8

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IJAME, volume 26 (2021)

Izyan, Nurul Mat Daud Sabri, Nur Ain Ayunni Hafizah, A. K. Nor Sankar, D.S. Viswanathan, K.K. Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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