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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = boys] OR [Subject and Keywords = girls] OR [Subject and Keywords = motor performance] OR [Subject and Keywords = motor abilities] OR [Subject and Keywords = chłopcy] OR [Subject and Keywords = dziewczęta] OR [Subject and Keywords = sprawność motoryczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = zdolności motoryczne] OR [Title = Zmiany w sprawności motorycznej wśród uczniów klas I\-III ze środowiska wiejskiego w województwie śląskim w latach 1999\-2012 = Changes in motor performance among 1st, 2nd and 3rd class primary school students from rural areas in silesia province in the years 1999\-2012] OR [Creator = Rodziewicz\-Gruhn, Joanna] OR [Creator = Szymanek, Marta] OR [Creator = Połacik, Joanna]

Number of results: 3

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