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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = friction welding process] OR [Subject and Keywords = aluminum alloys] OR [Subject and Keywords = shot peen] OR [Subject and Keywords = mechanical properties] OR [Title = Improvement friction welded 6063\-T6 aluminum alloy joint properties] OR [Creator = Al Bhadle, Basim M. A.] OR [Creator = Hassoni, Safaa M.] OR [Creator = Hassan, Kharia Salman]

Number of results: 8

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IJAME, volume 27 (2022)

Mohammed Ali, Ghusoon Ridha Ridha, Ali Zuhair Sadeq, Dina Abbas Ebraheem, Ahmed Abdullah Atta, Amal Sadeq Jurczak, Paweł - red.

IJAME, volume 29 (2024)

Chahour, Kahina Mechakra, Hamza Safi, Brahim Dehbi, Nacera-Melissa Chaibet, Cylia Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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