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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "In the epic poem \"Pan Balcer w Brazylii\" \(\"Sir Balcer in Brazil\"\) of Maria Konopnicka the linguistic acts of politeness are quite frequent, including the hereby discussed welcome and farewell expressions. The artistic texts record only the selective polite manners, nevertheless the way of narration \- characterized by the numerous references to the talks of the peasant heroes \- decides about the common polite formulas appearing in this epic poem, the welcoming ones \- mainly of the religious character \(\"Pochwalony\!\", \"Pochwalon\!\", \"Szczęść Boże\!\"\/\"Lord be with you\!\", \"Praise the Lord\!\", \"God speed you\!\"\), rarely laic \(\"Witajcie\!\"\/\"Be Welcom\"\), or farewell ones \(\"Ostaj z Bogiem\!\", \"Z Bogiem\!\"\/\"Stay with God\", \"Żegnaj\!\", \"Żegnajcie\!\"\/\"Farewell\!\"\). The modified formulas are considerably even more rare, while seldom they can be the spontaneous courtesy and honorific expressions such as, f. ex. \"Na wieki\!\", \"Witajcie w te strony\!\" \(\"For ever and ever\!\", \"Welcome in our land\!\"\)."]

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