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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The algorithm is based on VALENCIA\-IVP, which has been developed recently for the computation of verified enclosures of the solution sets of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. For the application to DAEs, VALENCIA\-IVP has been extended by an interval Newton technique to solve nonlinear algebraic equations in a guaranteed way. In addition to verified simulation of initial value problems for DAE systems, the developed approach is applicable to the verified solution of the so\-called inverse control problems."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
AMCS, volume 19 (2009)

Rauh, Andreas Brill, Michael Günther, Clemens Rauh, Andreas - ed. Auer, Ekaterina - ed. Hofer,Eberhard P. - ed. Luther, Wolfram - ed.


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