
Tytuł: Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim w schyłkowym okresie swojego istnienia (1989-1990) = The Polish United Workers? Party in Gorzów Wielkopolski in the final period of its existence (1989-1990)


Wasilewski, Krzysztof

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Skobelski, Robert (1968- ) - red.

Tytuł publikacji grupowej:

Studia Zachodnie, 15


The position of the Polish United Workers? Party in Gorzow Wielkopolski strengthened after the administrational reform in 1957. Choosing Gorzow as the capital of the newly created province resulted in new administration and party structures emerging in the city, including the Province Committee. However, even then the first symptoms of the party?s crisis that became fully evident in 1989 were beginning to show. ; The process of the 10th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of PUWP from the brink of 1988 and 1989 and the decisions that were made on it that marked the beginning of a dialog with the democratic opposition were widely criticized in the party structures in Gorzow. Many of the PUWP members felt betrayed by the party leaders, because in their opinion the scale of concessions to the group of former "Solidarność" members was too wide. ; The assessment of the 10th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of PUWP divided the municipal and provincial members of the party structures as well as its executive members. On the one hand, there were people ready to protect the virtues of socialism, even if it meant risking the introduction of another martial law. On the other hand, quite a number of party members wanted to use the situation and find their chance of starting their own businesses. The crisis of the whole PUWP, including its Gorzow units, erupted fully in the period preceding the June elections. ; Different views on the party and the country?s future as well as private ambitions led to an internal division. Gorzow structures were divided and, unlike their opponents from"Solidarność", were unable to choose one candidate. Instead, many conflicted politicians were running for the election at the same time. The position of the 1st secretary of the Provincial Committee of the PUWP in Gorzow Wielkopolski was significantly weakened when it turned out that he cannot count on a broad support even inside his provincial unit. ; The actual disintegration of the party on its every level could not be prevented even by the widely announced 11th session. The pre-session debate in Gorzow did not arouse expected emotions and the executive members of the Provincial Committee were sad to note that the future of the Polish left-wing movement interest less and less members. ; Most of them, especially the regular employees of the party structures, were interested mostly in ensuring decent livings for themselves when the PUWP ceases to function. The discussed processes noted in Gorzow Provincional Committe of PUWP and at other local units in the final stages of the party?s existence, occurred also in other parts of the country. ; At the same time, they prove that their failure in the elections of June 1989 only quickened the inevitable disintegration of the PUWP. The party lost all its ideological potential, which, along with the loss of power, led to its dissolution in 1990.


Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego



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Studia Zachodnie, tom 15



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