Rutkowska, Danuta - ed. ; Kacprzyk, Janusz - ed. ; Zadeh, Lotfi A. - ed.
Computing with Words and Perceptions
Computing, in its usual sense, is centered on manipulation of numbers and symbols. In contrast, computing with words, or CW for short, is a methodology in which the objects of computation are words and propositions drawn from a natural language, e.g., "small, large, far, heavy, not very likely, the price of gas is low and declining, Berkeley is near San Francisco, it is very unlikely that there will be a significant increase in the price of oil in the near future", etc. ; Computing with words is inspired by the remarkable human capability to perform a wide variety of physical and mental tasks without any measurements and any computations. Familiar examples of such tasks are parking a car, driving in heavy traffic, playing golf, riding a bicycle, understanding speech and summarizing a story. ; Underlying this remarkable capability is the brain's crucial ability to manipulate perceptions - perceptions of distance, size, weight, color, speed, time, direction, force, number, truth, likelihood and other characteristics of physical and mental objects. Manipulation of perceptions plays a key role in human recognition, decision and execution processes. ; As a methodology, computing with words provides a foundation for a computational theory of perceptions - a theory which may have an important bearing on how humans make - and machines might make - perception-based rational decisions in an environment of imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
AMCS, volume 12, number 3 (2002) ; click here to follow the link
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Sep 2, 2021
Sep 2, 2021
Edition name | Date |
From computing with numbers to computing with words - From manipulation of measurements to manipulation of perceptions | Sep 2, 2021 |
Beliczyński, Bartłomiej - red.
Krasoń, Ewa Kaczorek, Tadeusz - ed.
Trzaska, Zdzisław W. Kaczorek, Tadeusz - ed.
Xu, Li Saito, Osami Abe, Kenichi Kaczorek, Tadeusz - ed.
Young, K. David Yu, Xinghuo - red.
Xu, Jian-Xin Song, Yanbin Yu, Xinghuo - red.
Stotsky, Alexander A. Hedrick, J. Karl Yip, P.P. Yu, Xinghuo - red.
Hara, Masaaki Furuta, Katsuhisa Pan, Yaodong Hoshino, Tasuku Yu, Xinghuo - red.