The paper deals with modelling and calculations of asymmetrical multi-bolted joints at the assembly stage. The physical model of the joint is based on a system composed of four subsystems, which are: a couple of joined elements, a contact layer between the elements, and a set of bolts. The contact layer is assumed as the Winkler model, which can be treated as a nonlinear or linear model. ; In contrast, the set of bolts are modelled using simplified beam models, known as spider bolt models. The theorem according to which nonlinearity of the contact layer has a negligible impact on the final preload of the joint in the case of its sequential tightening has been verified. Results of sample calculations for the selected multi-bolted system, in the form of diagrams of preloads in the bolts as well as normal contact pressure between the joined elements during the assembly process and at its end, are presented.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
IJAME, volume 22, number 4 (2017)
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Jul 6, 2023
Apr 6, 2023
Edition name | Date |
Impact of nonlinearity of the contact layer between elements joined in a multi-bolted system on its preload | Jul 6, 2023 |
Grzejda, Rafał Jurczak, Paweł - red.