This paper frames the fundamental assumptions of the program of literature didactics, based on actual situations existing in modern culture with special reference to its literary communication. Modern didactic trends are considered, which fix the attention on the pupil his way of learning, and motivations of the teacher's activities. Because of the various conceptions, of that subject, the author shetches such a conception assuming the neccesity of research in the mechanisms of the literary work reception as the base of the scientific description of every "receptional strategy" ; In the detailed suggestions of the program regarding such a comprehension of literature didactics there have been taken into consideration all the connections with other branches of studies, the attitude towards school programs and the vast display of aims faced by that subject. Special attention bas been fixed on the construction rules of the lecture program, considering also the functional dependences of various elements which this program consists of. At the same time there has been determined the connection between the lectures and classes, as well as the didactic consequences which may result from it. Appreciating the special role of the classes, the author formulates the basic aims connected with that form of activity. He proposes some organizational variants and presents the examples of the formulation of the program ideas which show the generally accepted assumptions.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe ; Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
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