
Tytuł: Z dziejów polonistyki szkolnej okresu niewoli narodowej. Franciszek Próchnicki (1847-1911) = From the History of School Studies of the Polish Language During the Period of National Slavery. Franciszek Próchnicki (1847-1911)


Słowiński, Lech (1922-2005)

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Roenig, Jan - tł.

Tytuł publikacji grupowej:

Dydaktyka Literatury, 4


Franciszek Próchnicki belongs to the outstanding representatives of grammar school Polish studies during the last quarter of a century after the partition of the country. He was born in 1847 at Brzeżany in Eastern-Galicia, after graduation from the Lvov University in 1873 he became a Secondary-School-teacher, at first at his home town and next at Lvov, where he acted as headmaster of the Secondary School Nr. V from 1891 till to his retirement. Besides that he was an active member of the Higher-School-Teachers'Society, which held the patronage over teachers from popular and Secondary Schools, subsidized the edition of text-books, founded lending libraries for young people, determined on teaching schedules and attached the highest importance to programs for the Polish language. ; As a member of the mentioned Society Próchnicki edited LIBRARY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE, which provided for Secondary-School-pupils the most important works of Polish and foreign literature preceded by critical introductions. Próchnicki was also the author of a number of instructions for Polish-language-studies for Secondary Schools of the former Galicia, especially the GUIDE FOR POLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES (1885) was the base for all programs of this subject until 1918. As a didactician of literature Próchnicki declared himself against the generaily adopted acroamatic methods resting on the pedagogics of Herbart, which assumes as a base for the studies of this subject the teacher's lecture and the mnemonic mastery of the material. Instead of lecture and deduction he set induction based on a wellfounded knowledge of literary texts. ; Próchnicki together with Mikołaj Szczerbański deserves also the credit for editing Latin exercises for lower and upper grammar school classes (10 reprints until 1930) and for many volumes of Polish selections for grammar schools and vocational schools in team-work with Mr. R. Starkel, Mr. J. Wójcik, Mr. Mieczysław Baranowski, Mr. Bolesław Baranowski, Mr. K. Wojciechowski and Mr. S. Tarnowski, among them very good selections for the upper Secondary School classes (four reprints in Lvov in the years 1891, 1894 ?1896, 1903, 1912) ; In the history of Polish language studies during the partition of Poland Próchnicki rendered a great service by making capital of any opportunity which might give autonomy to Galicia in order to set Polish science on the national track. Próchnicki was a dedicated pedagogic and lover of Polish literature and the Polish language. He died at Lvov in 1911.


Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe ; Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna ; Zielona Góra: Kuratorium Oświaty i Wychowania



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Dydaktyka Literatury, tom 4



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