
Tytuł: Rodzina von Jeuthe - przyczynek do dziejów społeczeństwa Zielonej Góry = The family von Jeuthe - a few comments to the history of society in Zielona Góra


Górski, Adam

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Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.

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Studia Zachodnie, 11


W historii Zielonej Góry tylko dwie rodziny mieszczańskie wyrosły na szlachtę: Arnold i Jeuthe. Niniejszy artykuł gromadzi dostępne informacje oparte na tekstach źródłowych na temat rodziny Jeuthe, zebrane przez autora w Archiwum Państwowym Saksonii w Lipsku, ?Bibliotece Pruskiej? mieszczącej się w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie, Archiwum Państwowym w Zielonej Górze, oraz podczas badań epigraficznych.


In the history of Zielona Góra only two burgher families rose to nobility: Arnold and Jeuthe. This paper compiles the available information, based on source texts, about the Jeuthe family, gathered by this author in the State Archive of Saxony in Leipzig, the "Prussian Library" housed in the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow, the State Archive in Zielona Góra, and during epigraphic research in situ. ; The Jeuthe family's ancestors most likely lived in Kożuchów and quickly joined the local patriciate. In the early XVIII c. Balthasar and Anna Jeuthe awarded 1,000-mark (equivalent to 666 talers) grants to students. Probably one of his descendants, Nikolaus, born in 1617, was a salt broker, tradesman, wine producer, and counsel to the emperor. In 1680 he was listed among Bohemian gentry. ; His wife was Dorota Becker. They had 5 sons and 3 daughters. Their eldest daughter, Dorota, was accused of witchcraft. Her husband, Johann von Arnold, postmaster and land owner turned nobleman, successfully pleaded with the emperor, which saved not only her but also the whole town from further witch trials. Traces of this marriage can be found as epigraphic artefacts on the premises of the church in Łagów near Zielona Góra. ; Dorota's eldest brother, Gottfried, also an official at the imperial court, was awarded an aristocratic title three years after his father's ennoblement. His descendants allied by marriage with the von Unrug family. ; Dorota's other brother, Andreas, married Eva Maria Apelt (relative of Elisabeth Apelt - also accused of witchcraft). He died, however, in 1677, so he did not live to see his father's ennoblement. Another sister, Anna Maria, born on May 13, 1635, married Johann Zaccharias Padna von Cremzenstein, customs duty and beer tax collector, member of town council, and town judge, and had 2 sons and 4 daughters with him. ; She died on Seprember 14, 1678. In the early XVIII c. Jobann Baltasar's daughter, Anna Rosina Jeuthe, was born, who represented that branch of the Jeuthe family that stayed in the town. In 1729 she married Johann von Arnold, deputy mayor of Zielona Góra, thus binding once again the two ennobled families of Zielona Góra. ; The Jeuthe family were present on this area until the mid-XIX c. when Carl Friedrich Jeuthe died, owner of Studzieniec country. However, it was the XVII c. that was the heyday of the Jeuthe family in Zielona Góra.


Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego



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Studia Zachodnie, tom 11



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