The boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid over a nonlinear permeable shrinking sheet in a thermally stratified environment is considered. The sheet is assumed to shrink in its own plane with an arbitrary power-law velocity proportional to the distance from the stagnation point. The governing differential equations are first transformed into ordinary differential equations by introducing a new similarity transformation. This is different from the transform commonly used in the literature in that it permits numerical solutions even for asymptotically large values of the power-law index, m. ; The coupled non-linear boundary value problem is solved numerically by an implicit finite difference scheme known as the Keller- Box method. Numerical computations are performed for a wide variety of power-law parameters (1 < m < 100,000) so as to capture the effects of the thermally stratified environment on the velocity and temperature fields. The numerical solutions are presented through a number of graphs and tables. Numerical results for the skin-friction coefficient and the Nusselt number are tabulated for various values of the pertinent parameters.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
IJAME, volume 18, number 3 (2013)
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Prasad, Kerehalli Vinayaka Vaidya, Hanumesh Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Prasad, Kerehalli Vinayaka Vaidya, Hanumesh Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle Datti, P.S. Umesh, V. Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Nandeppanavar, Mahantesh M. Siddalingappa, M.N. Jyoti, H. Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Kundu, Prabir Kumar Sarkar, Amit Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Goud, B. Shankar Nandeppanavar, Mahantesh M. Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Prasad, Kerehalli Vinayaka Mallikarjun, P. Vaidya, Hanumesh Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Lovasz, Erwin Pop, Florina Pop, Cristian Dolga, Valer Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Manjunatha, Gudekote Rajashekhar, V. Choudhari Vaidya, Hanumesh Prasad, Kerehalli Vinayaka Jurczak, Paweł - red.