An exact solution of an unsteady radiative flow past a uniformly accelerated infinite vertical plate with variable temperature and mass diffusion is presented here, taking into account the homogeneous chemical reaction of first order. The plate temperature as well as concentration near the plate is raised linearly with time. The dimensionless governing equations are solved using the Laplace-transform technique. ; The velocity, temperature and concentration fields are studied for different physical parameters such as the thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Schmidt number, Prandtl number, radiation parameter, chemical reaction parameter and time. It is observed that the velocity increases with increasing values of the thermal Grashof number or mass Grashof number. But the trend is just reversed with respect to the thermal radiation parameter. It is also observed that the velocity increases with the decreasing chemical reaction parameter.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
IJAME, volume 18, number 3 (2013)
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Muthucumaraswamy, Rajamanickam Geetha, E. Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Muthucumaraswamy, Rajamanickam Lakshmi, Velu Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Muthucumaraswamy, Rajamanickam Valliammal, V. Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Muthucumaraswamy, Rajamanickam Velmurugan, Sivasangari Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Muthucumaraswamy, Rajamanickam Lakshmi, C. Santhana Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Sundar Raj, M. Nagarajan, G. Murugan, V.P. Muthucumaraswamy, Rajamanickam Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Kumar, D. Ravi Reddy, K. Jayarami Raju, M. Changal Jurczak, Paweł - red.
Mirza, Ashik Hussain Dey, Bamdeb Choudhury, Rita Jurczak, Paweł - red.