
Tytuł: Hnilcze - moja kresowa wieś = Hnilcze - my borderland village


Brzezińska, Ewa - red. nauk. ; Jazownik, Maria - red. nauk. ; Jazownik, Leszek - red. nauk.

Tytuł publikacji grupowej:

Scripta Humana, 17


Jest to krótka monografia jednej z największych wsi województwa tarnopolskiego. Przed II wojną światową liczyła ona około 3500 mieszkańców: Polaków, Ukraińców i Żydów. Wieś ta nazywała się Hnilcze (powiat podhajecki). W opracowaniu pokrótce przedstawiono jej historię, która rozpoczęła się w XV, a nawet XIV wieku. Autor koncentruje się jednak głównie na czasach bliższych nam. Pisze o tym, co wydarzyło się we wsi podczas II wojny światowej.


This is a short monograph of one of the largest villages in the Tarnopol Province. Before World War II, its population amounted to about 3500 residents: Poles, Ukrainians and Jews. This village was called Hnilcze (Pidhaitsi County). The study shortly presents its history, which began in 15th or even 14th century after the birth of Christ. Its turbulent chapters are characteristic for those borderlands. ; However, the author mainly focuses on the times closer to our era. The autor writes about what happened in the village during World War II, as well as cites Ukrainian and Russian documents. Exceptionally dramatic for the village was the night from 17 to 18 August 1944. ; Earlier, the village was reached by echoes of the horrific Ukrainian genocidal crimes, committed against Poles since 1939, and especially in 1943 in Volhynia, however the direct Ukrainian attack on the resident took place only in the middle of 1944. The above-mentioned night from 17 to 18 August resulted in a complete ruin of the village. ; At that tragic time, thanks to the neighbours who warned them that an attack was about to take place, most of the residents managed to hide. However, their possessions were plundered and their farms were completely burnt. Poles were left without homes and livelihoods. They had to leave their village and go to the nearby county town - to Pidhaitsi. ; However, they were exiled from there after a year, so they left Pidhaitsi and got to new Poland in cattle cars, which was already communist Poland. They had to start their lives from scratch on new farms in the Western Territories.


Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego



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Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego: Seria Scripta Humana, tom 17



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