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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = osady ściekowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = reakcja Fentona] OR [Subject and Keywords = odwadnianie] OR [Subject and Keywords = redukcja zanieczyszczeń] OR [Subject and Keywords = ultradźwięki] OR [Subject and Keywords = sewage sludge] OR [Subject and Keywords = Fenton reaction] OR [Subject and Keywords = dewatering] OR [Subject and Keywords = reduction of pollution] OR [Subject and Keywords = ultrasound] OR [Title = Zastosowanie reakcji Fentona w technologii osadów ściekowych = The use of Fenton reaction in the technology of sewage sludge] OR [Creator = Kowalczyk, Mariusz] OR [Creator = Kamizela, Tomasz] OR [Creator = Parkitna, Kamila] OR [Creator = Milczarek, Marcin]

Number of results: 60

items per page
CEER, nr 29, vol. 3 (2019)

Królik, Dariusz Wypych, Przemysław Kostecki, Jakub Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.

ZN UZ IŚ, nr 28 (2012)

Trojanowska, Katarzyna Sadecka, Zofia Myszograj, Sylwia Sieciechowicz, Aleksandra Greinert, Andrzej - red.


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