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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wilno] OR [Subject and Keywords = miejsce] OR [Subject and Keywords = językoznawstwo erudycyjne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Vilnius] OR [Subject and Keywords = place] OR [Subject and Keywords = erudite linguistics] OR [Title = Wileńskie miejsca Adama Mickiewicza utrwalone we współczesnych przewodnikach po Mieście wieszczów. \(Refleksje językoznawcy\-filologa\) = Vilnius places of Adam Mickiewicz preserved in current travel guides to the City of the Three Bards. \(Reflections of the linguist\-philologist\)] OR [Creator = Węgorowska, Katarzyna]

Number of results: 64

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Węgorowska, Katarzyna


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