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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jełowicki, Aleksander \(1804\-1877\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Powstanie Listopadowe \- 1830\-1831] OR [Subject and Keywords = pamiętnikarstwo polskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Podole] OR [Subject and Keywords = the November Uprising] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish memoirs] OR [Subject and Keywords = Podolia] OR [Title = Wpływ Mickiewicza na rozwój polskiego pamiętnikarstwa \(na przykładzie \"Moich wspomnień\" Aleksandra Jełowickiego\) = Mickiewicz's impact on Polish memoirs \(the example of Aleksander Jełowicki's \"My memories\"\)] OR [Creator = Winek, Teresa]

Number of results: 28

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Scripta Humana, 17

Hładkiewicz, Wiesław Brzezińska, Ewa - red. nauk. Jazownik, Maria - red. nauk. Jazownik, Leszek - red. nauk.

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