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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Krasiński, Zygmunt \(1812\-1859\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rzewuski, Henryk \(1791\-1866\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = edytorstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = prawda historyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = fikcja literacka] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"Panie Kochanku\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = editorship] OR [Subject and Keywords = historical thrut] OR [Subject and Keywords = literary fiction] OR [Title = Książę Radziwiłł Karol Stanisław \"Panie Kochanku\" w twórczości Zygmunta Krasińskiego i innych romantyków. Dylematy edytora i historyka literatury = Prince Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł \"Panie Kochanku\" in romantics' writings by Zygmunt Krasiński and other romantics. Dilemmas of an editor and a historian of literature] OR [Creator = Kulczycka, Dorota]

Number of results: 42

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