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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = renowacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = przestrzeń publiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = projektowanie koncepcyjne] OR [Subject and Keywords = metoda KJK] OR [Subject and Keywords = kompozycja form] OR [Subject and Keywords = renovation] OR [Subject and Keywords = public space] OR [Subject and Keywords = conceptual design] OR [Subject and Keywords = design] OR [Subject and Keywords = method CQC] OR [Subject and Keywords = composition of forms] OR [Title = The problem of form in objects under redevelopment \(on the basis of Bytom Market Square redevelopment design\) = Problem formy w obiektach przebudowywanych \(na przykładzie projektu realizacyjnego przebudowy bytomskiego rynku\)] OR [Creator = Maryńczuk, Paweł]

Number of results: 96

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