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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = osady denne] OR [Subject and Keywords = metale ciężkie] OR [Subject and Keywords = ekstrakcja sekwencyjna] OR [Subject and Keywords = mobilność] OR [Subject and Keywords = bottom sediments] OR [Subject and Keywords = heavy metals] OR [Subject and Keywords = sequential extraction] OR [Subject and Keywords = mobility] OR [Title = Chemical forms of heavy metals in bottom sediments of the Mitręga reservoir = Chemiczne formy metali ciężkich w osadach dennych zbiornika wodnego Mitręga] OR [Creator = Dąbrowska, Lidia]

Number of results: 53

items per page
CEER, nr 32, vol. 4 (2022)

Dabwan, Ahmed H. A. Saluddin, Ummu Asma? Hafifah Bt. Mohmad Isa, Nursuhaili Bt. Mohd Abdullah, Abdul Hadi Mohamed, Amri Bin Hj. Ahmad, Anuar Bin Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.

ZN UZ IŚ, nr 50 (2018)

Druszcz, Piotr Pater, Oskar Stadnik, Miłosz Piwecka, Natalia Cierpiński, Damian Kołek, Arkadiusz Malinowska, Aleksandra Rybicka, Aleksandra Bartyzel, Tobiasz Kostecki, Jakub Greinert, Andrzej - red.

ZN UZ IŚ, nr 34 (2014)

Przewocka, Marta Rosada, Janusz Kostecki, Jakub - red. Myszograj, Sylwia - red. Greinert, Andrzej - red. Kołodziejczyk, Urszula - red. Wasylewicz, Róża - red. Hudak, Magda - red.


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