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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = powieść historyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = wojna] OR [Subject and Keywords = kobiecość] OR [Subject and Keywords = miłość] OR [Subject and Keywords = historical novel] OR [Subject and Keywords = war] OR [Subject and Keywords = history] OR [Subject and Keywords = love] OR [Subject and Keywords = femininity] OR [Title = Wizja wieku siedemnastego według trzech autorów powieści historycznych\: Henryka Sienkiewicza, Józefa Hena i Jacka Komudy = The vision of the 17th century according to three writers of historical novels\: Henryk Sienkiewicz, Józef Hen and Jacek Komuda] OR [Creator = Mróz, Katarzyna]

Number of results: 683

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Rocznik Lubuski, 15

Benyskiewicz, Joachim (1936-2011) Szczegóła, Hieronim (1931- ) - red.


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