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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Franko, Iwan \(1856\-1916\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Peretz, Wladimir \(1870\-1935\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rezanow, Wladimir \(1867\-1936\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = teatr] OR [Subject and Keywords = metodologia badawcza źródeł historycznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = Franko, Ivan \(1856\-1916\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Peretz, Volodymyr \(1870\-1935\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rezanov, Volodymyr \(1867\-1936\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = theatre study methodology] OR [Subject and Keywords = historical sources research] OR [Title = Ukrainian theatre studies in the first three decades of the 20th century. Working with sources materials = Ukraińskie studia teatralne w pierwszych trzech dekadach XX wieku. Praca z materiałami źródłowymi] OR [Creator = Korzhova, Anastasiia]

Number of results: 10

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Maciejewska, Tatiana Samulczyk, Teresa Kataryńczuk-Mania, Lidia - red. nauk.

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