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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Herrenstand] OR [Subject and Keywords = stan panów] OR [Subject and Keywords = arystokracja] OR [Subject and Keywords = Śląsk] OR [Subject and Keywords = hrabiowie] OR [Subject and Keywords = baranowie] OR [Subject and Keywords = the lords state] OR [Subject and Keywords = Aristocracy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Silesia] OR [Subject and Keywords = counts] OR [Subject and Keywords = barons] OR [Title = \"Stan panów\"\? Miejsce \"Herrenstandu\" w systemie prawnym, administracyjnym i ustrojowym Śląska w epoce habsburskiej \(1526\-1740\) = \"The Lords State of the Realm\"\? German \"Herrenstand\" in the Public and Administrative System of Silesia in the Habsburgian Era 1526\-1740] OR [Creator = Kuczer, Jarosław]

Number of results: 74

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ZSJ 2019

Iżykowska, Małgorzata Starczewska-Wojnar, Aleksandra Hawrysz, Magdalena - red. nauk. Jurewicz, Magdalena - red. nauk. Kotlarska, Irmina - red. nauk.


Dylewska, Agnieszka

książka monografia

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