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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = energy system] OR [Subject and Keywords = simulation] OR [Subject and Keywords = optimization] OR [Subject and Keywords = analytical system] OR [Subject and Keywords = smart city] OR [Subject and Keywords = system energetyczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = symulacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = optymalizacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = inteligentne systemy analityczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = smart energy city] OR [Title = Optimization of Municipal Energy Systems with the Use of an Intelligent Analytical System = Optymalizacja miejskich systemów energetycznych przy wykorzystaniu inteligentnego systemu analitycznego] OR [Creator = Ziembicki, Piotr] OR [Creator = Klimczak, Marcin] OR [Creator = Bernasiński, Jan]

Number of results: 159

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CEER, nr 30, vol. 1 (2020)

Pouraminian, Majid Pourbakhshian, Somayyeh Noroozinejad Farsangi, Ehsan Berenji, Sevil Keyani Borujeni, Salman Moosavi Asl, Mirhasan Mohammad Hosseini, Mehdi Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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