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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = dynamic system modeling] OR [Subject and Keywords = aeropendulum] OR [Subject and Keywords = H\[the sign of infinity\] control] OR [Title = Loop\-shaping H\[the sign of infinity\] control of an aeropendulum model] OR [Creator = Breganon, Ricardo] OR [Creator = Alves, Uiliam Nelson LT] OR [Creator = De Almeida, Joao Paulo LS] OR [Creator = Ribeiro, Fernando SF] OR [Creator = Mendonça, Marcio] OR [Creator = Palácios, Rodrigo HC] OR [Creator = Montezuma, Marcio AF]

Number of results: 3

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IJAME, volume 29 (2024)

Camargo, Lukas C. Bispo, Vitor Hugo S. Alves, Uiliam Nelson LT Ribeiro, Fernando SF Breganon, Ricardo Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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