Search for: [Subject and Keywords = kino nieme] OR [Subject and Keywords = kreowanie gwiazd filmowych] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bara, Theda \(aktorka amerykańska\; 1885\-1955\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pickford, Mary \(aktorka amerykańska\; 1892\-1979\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Fairbanks, Douglas \(aktor amerykański\; 1883\-1939\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = silent movies] OR [Subject and Keywords = movie stars creation] OR [Title = Wizerunki aktorów kina niemego w Hollywood \(Bara \- Pickford \- Fairbanks\) = Images of the silent film period`s actors in Hollywood \(Bara \- Pickford \- Fairbanks\)] OR [Creator = Malczyk, Małgorzata]