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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = obyczaj językowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = miejska wspólnota komunikatywna] OR [Subject and Keywords = rozmowa handlowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = negocjacje cenowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = analiza socjolingwistyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = analiza pragmalingwistyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = language custom] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban communicative community] OR [Subject and Keywords = trade talk] OR [Subject and Keywords = price negotiations] OR [Subject and Keywords = sociolinguistic analysis] OR [Subject and Keywords = pragma\-linguistics analysis] OR [Title = Sposoby użycia języka w negocjacjach cenowych w dawnej polszczyźnie \(XVIII w.\) = The methods to use the language in price negotiations \(bargaining\) in the former Polish language \(the eighteenth century\)] OR [Creator = Jurewicz\-Nowak, Magdalena]

Number of results: 14

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ZSJ 2014

Jurewicz-Nowak, Magdalena Pałucka-Czerniak, Iwona Hawrysz, Magdalena - red. nauk. Uździcka, Marzanna - red. nauk. Wojciechowska, Anna - red. nauk.

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ZSJ 2016

Borawski, Stanisław Hawrysz, Magdalena - red. nauk. Uździcka, Marzanna - red. nauk. Wojciechowska, Anna - red. nauk.

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