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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = alluvial deposits] OR [Subject and Keywords = floodplains] OR [Subject and Keywords = sandy soils] OR [Subject and Keywords = tectonic structure] OR [Subject and Keywords = deformations] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kyiv Region] OR [Subject and Keywords = osady aluwialne] OR [Subject and Keywords = równina zalewowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = gleby piaszczyste] OR [Subject and Keywords = budowa tektoniczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = deformacje] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kijów \(region\)] OR [Title = The Main Features of Hydraulic Fill Soils and River Dnieper Alluvial Deposits in the Kyiv Region] OR [Creator = Rashchenko, Andriy] OR [Creator = Dyptan, Tatyana] OR [Creator = Malyshev, Oleg]

Number of results: 15

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