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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = program 500 plus] OR [Subject and Keywords = rodzina] OR [Subject and Keywords = młodzież] OR [Subject and Keywords = kobieta] OR [Subject and Keywords = aktywność zawodowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = 500\+ programme] OR [Subject and Keywords = family] OR [Subject and Keywords = youth] OR [Subject and Keywords = woman] OR [Subject and Keywords = professional activity] OR [Title = Efekty rządowego programu \"Rodzina 500 plus\" dla rodzin i aktywności zawodowej kobiet = Effects of the \"Family 500\+\" government programme for families and for the professional activity of women] OR [Creator = Turkowska\-Kucharska, Wioleta]

Number of results: 221

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Management, Vol. 17 (2013)

Niewiadomska, Anna Moczulska, Marta - red. Preston, Peter- red. jęz. Stankiewicz, Janina - red. nacz. Zmyślony, Roman - red. statyst. Adamczyk, Janusz- red. Skalik, Jan - red.

Management, Vol. 16 (2012)

Niewiadomska, Anna Moczulska, Marta - red. Preston, Peter- red. jęz. Stankiewicz, Janina - red. nacz. Zmyślony, Roman - red. statyst. Adamczyk, Janusz- red. Skalik, Jan - red.

Rocznik Lubuski, 21

Tomášova, Viola Rusnák, Viktor Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015)

Filologia Polska, z. 9

Dulko, Katarzyna Gieba, Kamila (1984 -) - red. Rostkowska-Biszczanik, Kaja - red. Kaczor, Monika - red. nauk. Sztyber, Radosław - red.

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