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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\). Dziady] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\). Ballady i romanse] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de \(1547\-1616\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de \(1547\-1616\). Don Kochot] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de \(1547\-1616\). Galatea] OR [Subject and Keywords = pasterka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de \(1547\-1616\). Don Quixote] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\). Ballades and romances] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mickiewicz, Adam \(1798\-1855\). Forefathers` Eve] OR [Subject and Keywords = shepherdess] OR [Title = Od pragnienia wolności do zdrady. Ewolucja motywu pasterki we wczesnych utworach Mickiewicza = From the desire for freedom to betrayal. Evolution of the Shepherd`s Motif in Mickiewicz`s Early Works] OR [Creator = Narolska, Aneta]

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