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Okres dojrzewania wiąże się ze zmianami biopsychospołecznymi, które stanowią dla osoby wiele wyzwań, a także źródło problemów. Jest on nazywany okresem buntu i kryzysu tożsamości. Ze względu na doświadczane czynniki stressogenne z tym okresem związane, środkami zaradczymi mogą stać się zachowania agresywne lub autodestruktywne u młodzieży. Zachowania te służą adaptacji do zmieniających się warunków, wpływają na postrzeganie siebie młodej osoby. ; Celem badań własnych jest określenie różnic w zakresie samooceny oraz postrzegania własnego Ja przez osoby agresywne i autodestruktywne. W badaniu wzięło udział 154 adolescentów o średniej wieku 17 lat. Metodę badawczą stanowiły kwestionariusze do badania samooceny oraz zachowań agresywnych. Wyniki nie potwierdziły istnienia istotnych różnic pomiędzy osobami agresywnymi i autodestruktywnymi.
This article presents destructive behavioral, by which is meant the agressive and autoaggressive behaviour in indirect and direct forms. A particular object of the research was study the potential differences in self-image presented by the aggressive and self-injurious adolescent induviduals. The study also addressed the issue of examining the thesis that aggression and selfaggression are mutually exclusive. ; The empirical part of the article presents the research conducted on a group of young people aged 16-20 years. The results showed that there is a significant relation between low self-esteem and selfdestructiveness behaviour. Researches have shown that people who show aggression are also characterized by low self-esteem, but it is only in the case of the indirect aggression. ; Significant correlation is not observed in the case of manifesting physical and verbal aggression. Studies have also shown that individuals with low self-esteem have tendency to irritation and injury. The presented results provide information on certain characteristics which are common to the aggressive and self-destructive individuals. A similar self-image is characterized by individuals with a tendency to resentment and self-destructiveness syndrome. ; Low emotional control and emotional lability is a characteristic of self-image self-injurious individuals and prone to injuries individuals. The last stage of my work was to verify the claim ? whether aggression and self-aggression are mutually exclusive. Correlation of these was high, especially characteristic of both types of behaviour is to keep the disadapted beliefs about their worthlessness and also the act of self-mutilation. ; It turns out that these individuals have many common problems. As in the group were less self-aggressive individuals than aggressive people, so the results presented here it can be assumed that self-injurious individuals present increased irritability and are much prone to resentment. They have quite big sense of guilt and tendency to use indirect aggression and to project enmity of the environment, they are also suspicious. ; From my research it appears that the aggressive behaviour does not represent a specific self-image, that means we cannot talk about the typical self-image of individuals manifesting aggressive behaviour.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Psychologiczne Zeszyty Naukowe, nr 2/2016
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Nov 27, 2019
Nov 27, 2019
1 369
Byzova, Valentina M. Perikova, Ekaterina I. Rongińska, Tatiana - red.
Farnicka, Marzanna Liberska, Hanna Farnicka, Marzanna - red. Izdebski, Zbigniew (1956- ) - red. Wąż, Krzysztof - red.
Krahé, Barbara Farnicka, Marzanna - red. Izdebski, Zbigniew (1956- ) - red. Wąż, Krzysztof - red.
Trepka-Starosta, Justyna Rongińska, Tatiana - red.
Doliński, Artur Rongińska, Tatiana - red.
Hawrysz, Magdalena Steciąg, Magdalena - red. nauk. Adamczyk, Magdalena - red. nauk. Biszczanik, Marek - red. nauk.
Trepka-Starosta, Justyna Starosta, Jolanta Rongińska, Tatiana - red.
Kowalski, Paweł Asienkiewicz, Ryszard - red. Tatarczuk, Józef - red.