In the present paper, a viscoelastic boundary layer flow and heat transfer over an exponentially stretching continuous sheet in the presence of a heat source/sink has been examined. Loss of energy due to viscous dissipation of the non-Newtonian fluid has been taken into account in this study. Approximate analytical local similar solutions of the highly non-linear momentum equation are obtained for velocity distribution by transforming the equation into Riccati-type and then solving this sequentially. ; Accuracy of the zero-order analytical solutions for the stream function and velocity are verified by numerical solutions obtained by employing the Runge-Kutta fourth order method involving shooting. Similarity solutions of the temperature equation for non-isothermal boundary conditions are obtained in the form of confluent hypergeometric functions. The effect of various physical parameters on the local skin-friction coefficient and heat transfer characteristics are discussed in detail.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
IJAME, volume 18, number 3 (2013)
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Jul 6, 2023
Apr 26, 2023
Edition name | Date |
Heat transfer of viscoelastic fluid flow due to non-linear stretching sheet with internal heat source | Jul 6, 2023 |
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