Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. ; Seul, Anastazja - red. nauk.
At the beginning of the article Karol Wojtyla`s drama "Our God`s Brother" is shown as a cultural good that inspired another artist to speak through it about the problem of being born and growing up as a man with religious vocation. The main purpose of the paper is to present Krzysztof Zanussi`s view on the literary attempt to express the inner truth of Adam Chmielowski (Saint Brother Albert) by young Karol Wojtyla, experiencing his own problem related to the mystery of his calling to the priesthood. ; The director did not create a film strictly about the Elder Brother, as he himself stated in one of the interviews, as then he would have written another scenario completely independent of the vision of the later pope. The movie "Our God`s Brother", according to the intention of the author, was to expose the assumptions of the Rhapsody Theatre or, more precisely, Karol Wojtyla`s "inner drama", and the cathartic and prophetic-kerygmatic functions of the work of art entitled Ecce Homo.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego: Seria Scripta Humana, tom 10
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Feb 19, 2024
Feb 14, 2024
Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela - red. Seul, Anastazja - red.
Radziszewski, Stefan Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Seul, Anastazja - red. nauk.
Ołdakowska-Kuflowa, Mirosława Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela - red. Seul, Anastazja - red.
Seul, Anastazja (1961- ) Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela - red. Seul, Anastazja - red.
Bartkowiak, Przemysław Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela - red. Seul, Anastazja - red. Krawiecka, Ewa Heck, Dorota Radziszewski, Stefan Kozłowska, Anna Ołdakowska-Kuflowa, Mirosława Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela Krysińska, Katarzyna Brasse, Rafał Kulesza, Monika Gazdecka, Elżbieta Kulczycka, Dorota Klimek, Barbara Szarlej, Jolanta Seul, Anastazja Kobyłecka, Ewa Jaranowski, Paweł Kaczor, Monika Naplocha, Anna Zydek, Sylwia Rutkowska, Izabela Sikorski, Dariusz Konrad
Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Seul, Anastazja - red. Sroczyński, Piotr Giemza, Bogdan Koszewska, Anna Sokulski, Michał Heck, Dorota Kozłowska, Anna Ołdakowska-Kuflowa, Mirosława Seul, Anastazja Peroń, Małgorzata Banaszak, Michał Baron, Marek Radziszewski, Stefan Polańska, Ewelina Lilia Bednarczyk-Stefaniak, Emanuela Tomaszewska, Wiesława Kobyłecka, Ewa Kulczycka, Dorota
Kulczycka, Dorota Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Seul, Anastazja - red. nauk.