The Jazz Workshops "Cho-Jazz" in Chodzież earned extraordinary reputation in the musical environment for years. Organized since 1971 as the first summer jazz school in Europe, today it is most likely the only such cultural event in the world, which has been continuously educating young jazz adepts for over 50 years. ; It is here that the first tools of jazz education were developed, which are now used by the most prominent representatives of Polish jazz education. Over the decades, Chodzież has become a revered summer jazz school, and the well-versed educational staff is also unrivaled in their ability to build a close relationship between student and master.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Wiśniowski, Leszek Szymaniuk, Jerzy - red. nauk.
Niźnik, Krzysztof Szymaniuk, Jerzy - red. nauk.
Dorůžka, David Szymaniuk, Jerzy - red. nauk.
Szymaniuk, Jerzy Szymaniuk, Jerzy - red. nauk.
Pernal, Bartosz Szymaniuk, Jerzy - red. nauk.
Griese, Christof Szymaniuk, Jerzy - red. nauk.
Teepe, Joris Szymaniuk, Jerzy - red. nauk.