Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
The author raises questions and thesis about genetic relationships of civilization withaxiology. He pays attention to the moral crisis announces the fall of the culture. Christian ethics is the root of European civilization. Thus that all, which hits in his basis, is particularly dangerous for western (European, Latin) culture. It concerns then the threat for institution ofmarriage and family, the modern materialism, pressure of anti-Catholic ideologies (the feminism, neo-paganizm, secularization, Islamic fundamentalism) etc. ; Whether a rescue would just be the social science of the Church? Pope Jan Paweł II encourages to building the "culture of life". That concerns the moral culture and also dulyvalued and interpreted physical culture as well as wholesome. These spheres intermingle. A symptom ofthis would be the process ofsenescence of European population. ; They are fonnulated postulates in support about Catholic social tenet, opinions at stateand power, relating new social-economic order. In the article are sketchily showed seeminglydistant problems, as social polity, fonn of govemment and ethos of work. In situation ofdilemma of democracy fonnula the author declares for meritocratic system of holding ofpower, as the chance (not on ty for Poland and Europe).
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski ; Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Zielińska, Maria - red. Szaban, Dorota - red.
Zielińska, Maria Zielińska, Maria - red. Szaban, Dorota - red.
Korcz, Iwona Nitschke, Bernadetta - red. Dolański, Dariusz - red.
Cynarski, Wojciech J. Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
Cynarski, Wojciech J. Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
Kaczocha, Włodzimierz Kwiatkowski, Mariusz - red.
Kędzierska, Barbara Potyrała, Katarzyna Kowalski, Mirosław - red. Kowalska, Ewa - red.
Wielgus, Stanisław (1939- ) Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.