Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
Z problemem dyspensy małżeńskiej spotykamy się w XIX-wiecznej rzeczywistości funkcjonowania parafii w Nowym Kramsku. W aktach Konsystorza Jeneralnego Arcybiskupstwa Poznańskiego ... , przechowywanych w Archiwum Archidiecezjalnym w Poznaniu, znajdujemy dokumentację wystąpień plebanów z Nowego Kramska w sprawie dyspens dla mieszkańców. ; Na przestrzeni sześćdziesięciu lat odnotowujemy kilkadziesiąt tego rodzaju przypadków. Autorami pism skierowanych do biskupstwa byli księża pełniący w Kramsku misję pasterską, związani z klasztorem w Obrze - Stefan Staniszewski i Dionizy Mroczkiewicz.
The correspondence between the parsons of Nowy Kramsk and the archbishop curia of Poznańis stored in the collections of Archive for Poznań Archdiocese. It concerns, among other things,the efforts for receiving marital dispensation. During the nearly sixty years' period between the year 1800 and 1858 twenty-one dispensation requests were filed. In most cases, the pleadings concerned obstacles to marriage stemming from the third or third connected with fourth degreeof kinship and relatedness. ; The dispensation letters not only reveal the range of this seriousproblem, but also present, in a detailed manner, the procedural conduct in such cases. Theactions aiming at overcoming the marital limitations were formal in nature, but they left theclergymen with some room for personal reflection. The priests of Nowy Kramsk used this quite often to aid people in hard life situations. ; The residents of this parish formed a tight Polish andcatholic indigenous minority, which was rare in this region. Local peasants shunned marriageswith people of German origins, who, in most cases, were connected to the protestant church. ; Under those circumstances, finding a life partner in a narrow, hermetic group of interrelatedcountrymen, was not an easy task. That is when the parsons of Nowy Kramsk played an extraordinarypart. As shepherds guarding the abidance of law whenever possible, they aided the community members in their search for their own place in the society.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof (1959- ) Skobelski, Robert (1968- ) - red.
Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof (1959- ) Skobelski, Robert (1968- ) - red.
Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof (1959- ) Skobelski, Robert (1968- ) - red.
Sroka, Władysław Kajan, Tadeusz (właśc. Jankowski, Kazimierz;1937-1990) - oprac.
Kowalski, Bogdan Sauter, Wiesław (1905-1996) - red.