Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
After returning to the country in 1945, the metropolitan bishop Dionizy started undertaking actions aiming for the stabilization and creation of normal conditions for the activities of the Orthodox Church. At the same time he emphasized his loyalty towards the Polish nation and country. Despite being involved in Church activities, the authorities strived for removing him from managing the Church. ; The President of the Republic of Poland, Bolesław Bierut's ordinance from April 17 1948 revoked the recognition of Dionizy Waledyński as the metropolitan bishop of the Polish Orthodox Church. He was subsequently placed in isolation in Sosnowiec, where he stayed under strict control of the Security Service until 1958. Among other things,he was banned from conducting the service. The metropolitan bishop Dionizy died in Warsaw in 1960.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Dudra, Stefan Nitschke, Bernadetta (1964 - ) - red.
Dudra, Stefan Halczak, Bohdan - red. Burda, Bogumiła - red.
Słabig, Arkadiusz Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
Dudra, Stefan Osękowski, Czesław (1952- ) - red.
Dudra, Stefan Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
Dudra, Stefan Osękowski, Czesław (1952- ) - red. Skobelski, Robert (1968- ) - red.
Drozd, Roman Halczak, Bohdan - red. Burda, Bogumiła - red.