This paper presents an update of the slope-deflection method, which is used in the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. In this study, new reduced equations are presented based on including both the effects of the member rotations and the fixed end moments in one term, rather than two terms, in order to simplify the application of the slope-deflection method. ; The reduced equations are developed, then three numerical examples with comprehensive cases of beams are solved by applying both the original and the proposed reduced equations. The analysis outputs indicated that the reduced equations are applicable for all cases that can be analyzed by the slope-deflection method, and give identical results compared with the original equations. ; It is found that the reduced equations require less computations when the structure has no support settlement, compared with the original equations, whereas the computations are approximately similar when the structure has a support settlement.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
IJAME, volume 26, number 4 (2021)
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Reduced equations of slope-deflection method in structural analysis | 2023-07-06 |
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