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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = systemowy opis] OR [Subject and Keywords = metoda pentabazy] OR [Subject and Keywords = dychotomiczny podział] OR [Subject and Keywords = czas] OR [Subject and Keywords = energia] OR [Subject and Keywords = przestrzeń] OR [Subject and Keywords = informacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = kreatywność] OR [Subject and Keywords = system description] OR [Subject and Keywords = penta\-basis method] OR [Subject and Keywords = dichotomous division] OR [Subject and Keywords = time] OR [Subject and Keywords = energy] OR [Subject and Keywords = space] OR [Subject and Keywords = information] OR [Subject and Keywords = creativity] OR [Title = Metoda systemowego opisu pojęć wieloznacznych = The method of system description of ambiguous terms] OR [Creator = Rongińska, Tatiana]

Number of results: 627

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Rocznik Lubuski, 45

Capelo, Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira Costa Varela, John Miguel Diaz, Noemí Serrano Jardim, Maria Helena Gonçalves Farnicka, Marzanna - red.


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