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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = reportaż] OR [Subject and Keywords = wyliczenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = dramat] OR [Subject and Keywords = liryka] OR [Subject and Keywords = epika] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiersze] OR [Subject and Keywords = powieść] OR [Subject and Keywords = opowiadania] OR [Subject and Keywords = literary journalism] OR [Subject and Keywords = enumeration] OR [Subject and Keywords = drama] OR [Subject and Keywords = poetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = prose] OR [Subject and Keywords = poems] OR [Subject and Keywords = novel] OR [Subject and Keywords = short story] OR [Title = Literackość zamknięta w figurze retorycznej, czyli jak wyliczają reporterzy, a jak prozaicy, poeci i dramatopisarze = Literariness enclosed in a rhetorical figure. Enumeration in literary journalism, lyric poetry, prose and drama] OR [Creator = Biernacka, Jadwiga]

Number of results: 127

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Filologia Polska, z. 10

Mikołajec, Marek Bugajski, Marian - red. nauk. Szott, Mirosława (1987 -) - red. nauk. Łastowiecki, Janusz - red. nauk.

Scripta Humana, 14

Pawlicki, Marek Gołębiowska, Urszula - red. nauk. Kubasiewicz, Mirosława - red. nauk.

rozdział w książce
Scripta Humana, 9

Kaczmar, Anna Ruszczyńska, Marta - red. Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Brylla, Wolfgang J. - red. Gazdecka, Elżbieta - red.

rozdział w książce

Maciejewska, Tatiana Samulczyk, Teresa Kataryńczuk-Mania, Lidia - red. nauk.

rozdział w książce

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