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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = film] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórcy] OR [Subject and Keywords = emocje] OR [Subject and Keywords = werbalizacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = język ] OR [Subject and Keywords = wywiad] OR [Subject and Keywords = poemat epicki] OR [Subject and Keywords = filmmakers] OR [Subject and Keywords = emotions] OR [Subject and Keywords = verbalization] OR [Subject and Keywords = language] OR [Subject and Keywords = interview] OR [Subject and Keywords = epic poem] OR [Title = Radość, duma, niepokój\? kilka lingwistyczno\-kulturologicznych uwag o emocjach filmowców utrwalonych w \"Zagrajcie mi to pięknie. <Pan Tadeusz> według Andrzeja Wajdy\" Marka Millera = Joy, pride, ankiety\? a few linguistic\-culturological remarks on the filmmakers` emotions preserved in \"Zagrajcie mi to pięknie. <Pan Tadeusz> according to Andrzej Wajda\" by Mark Miller] OR [Creator = Węgorowska, Katarzyna]

Number of results: 343

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Management, Vol. 20 (2016)

Barabasz, Adela Moczulska, Marta - red. Preston, Peter- red. jęz. Stankiewicz, Janina - red. nacz. Zmyślony, Roman - red. statyst. Adamczyk, Janusz- red. Skalik, Jan - red.


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