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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Second World War] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stanisławów] OR [Subject and Keywords = Extermination] OR [Subject and Keywords = killing] OR [Subject and Keywords = murders] OR [Subject and Keywords = teachers] OR [Subject and Keywords = intelligentsia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polish people] OR [Subject and Keywords = Germans] OR [Subject and Keywords = eksterminacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = morderstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = zabójstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = nauczyciele] OR [Subject and Keywords = inteligencja] OR [Subject and Keywords = Niemcy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rosjanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polacy] OR [Title = Straty inteligencji polskiej w czasie II wojny światowej na przykładzie mordu dokonanego w Stanisławowie = The Stanisławow atrocity, one of many examples of the losses of Polish intelligentsia during World War II] OR [Creator = Kulińska, Lucyna]

Number of results: 489

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Rocznik Lubuski, 45

Capelo, Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira Costa Varela, John Miguel Diaz, Noemí Serrano Jardim, Maria Helena Gonçalves Farnicka, Marzanna - red.


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