Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
Two concepts of education may be distinguished at the university level. One concept assumes that the student should acquire the language and knowledge of a certain realm of symbolic culture or a given realm of science. They will use the theoretical knowledge themselves to create programs of practical actions or to implement such a program. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge is dispensable for introducing changes in practical actions (treatment, teaching, material goods production). Theory changes practice. ; The other concept of education at that level assumes that the student should acquire scenarios of practical activity required by specifically defined stipulations for occupational roles (roles of a surgeon, elementary school teacher, bridge construction engineer). Education at the university level occurs with the presence of comprehensive program of practical classes at university and beyond it. This concept complies with the statement that "practice teaches".Both concepts are promoted by those who express their own postulates pertaining to teachers'training.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski ; Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Kształcenie nauczycieli (dwie wersje) = Teacher training (two versions) | 2019-02-11 |
Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) Wołk, Zdzisław - red.
Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) Wołk, Zdzisław - red.
Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) Szczegóła, Hieronim (1931- ) - red.
Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) Narkiewicz-Niedbalec, Ewa - red. Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) - red.
Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) Narkiewicz-Niedbalec, Ewa - red. Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) - red.
Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) Bartkiewicz, Kazimierz (1930-2002) - red.
Hajduk, Edward (1932-2015) Bartkiewicz, Kazimierz (1930-2002) - red.