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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = pamiętnik filozoficzny] OR [Subject and Keywords = ćwiczenia duchowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = scenariusz ćwiczeń] OR [Subject and Keywords = uobecnienie siebie] OR [Subject and Keywords = obserwacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"zrób wiem, że nic nie wiem\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"obojętność na rzeczy obojętne\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = trzy części duszy] OR [Subject and Keywords = milczenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"oddawanie racji\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = philosophical diary] OR [Subject and Keywords = spiritual exercises] OR [Subject and Keywords = exercise scenario] OR [Subject and Keywords = making oneself present] OR [Subject and Keywords = observation] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"do I know that I know nothing\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"indifference to indifferent things\"] OR [Subject and Keywords = three parts of the soul] OR [Subject and Keywords = silence] OR [Subject and Keywords = \"rendering right\"] OR [Title = Pamiętnik z ćwiczeń filozoficznych = Diary of Philosophical Exercises] OR [Creator = Femiak, Tomasz]

Number of results: 14

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AMCS, volume 11 (2001)

Afifi, Larbi El Jai, Abdelahaq Merry, Malika Korbicz, Józef - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.

AMCS, volume 10 (2000)

Kappel, Franz Niaksimov, Vyacheslav Korbicz, Józef - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.

AMCS, Volume 26 (2016)

Beddiaf, Sara Autrique, Laurent Perez, Laetitia Jolly, Jean-Claude Korbicz, Józef - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.


Chmielewska-Banaszak, Danuta Sady, Wojciech (1952 -)

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