Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. ; Mikołajczak, Małgorzata (1966 -) - red.
"The Scattered Pieces" by Zbigniew Herbert published in 2010 contain texts scattered in magazines,appearing out of the country and so far unpublished poems. They not only confirm the existinginterpretive clues, but also situate them in a different interpretive perspective and modify.The interpretation based on literary motives and authorial creation reveal a trend of personal,confessional and religious poetry of Herbert, showing Herbert`s dreams and longings. ; In thisperspective Herbert turns out to be as much a classic as the sentimental writer, "exiled Arcadian"exixting between past and contemporaneity and the poet, who longs for the old world harmony.And this is why in the latest collection of Herbert`s poetry ("The Epilogue of the Tempest") he proposes a new shape of Arcadia - "Arcadia after the tempest".
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego: Seria Scripta Humana, tom 1
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Mikołajczak, Małgorzata (1966- )
Mikołajczak, Małgorzata (1966- )
Konończuk, Elżbieta Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Mikołajczak, Małgorzata (1966 -) - red.
Balcerzak, Gabriela Koniusz, Janusz (1934-2017) Kuczer, Jarosław Głuchowska, Lidia Kamińska, Krystyna Zwolińska, Grażyna Wesołowski, Jacek Sobkowiak, Czesław (1950- ) Mielczarek, Wojciech Kurzwelly, Michael Grupiński, Jerzy Wielgus "Dzika", Monika Bohuta-Stąpel, Halina Macała, Maria Stark, Ulrike Derylak, Edward Belzyt, Cezary L. Szóstak, Anna Kotlarek, Dawid Andrzejewska, Ewa Tokarska, Anna Komorowska, Agata Cygan, Dorota Łukaszewska, Nadzieja Kurzawa, Eugeniusz Szpylma, Agnieszka Janczys, Anna Rarok, Wojciech Gorzechowski, Grzegorz - red.
Tosik, Magdalena Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Ruszczyńska, Marta - red. Brylla, Wolfgang J. - red. Gazdecka, Elżbieta - red.
Data, Jan (1940 -) - red.
Gorzelana, Joanna Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Ruszczyńska, Marta - red. Brylla, Wolfgang J. - red. Gazdecka, Elżbieta - red.
Mikołajczak, Małgorzata (1966- ) Mikołajczak, Małgorzata (1966 -) - red. Gieba, Kamila (1984 -) - red. Sobczak, Marika - red.