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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = zmiana] OR [Subject and Keywords = oświata] OR [Subject and Keywords = nauczyciele] OR [Subject and Keywords = uczeń] OR [Subject and Keywords = innowacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = twórczość] OR [Subject and Keywords = przyczyna] OR [Subject and Keywords = działania] OR [Subject and Keywords = potrzeba] OR [Subject and Keywords = przeszkoda] OR [Subject and Keywords = szkoła] OR [Subject and Keywords = postęp] OR [Subject and Keywords = rozwój] OR [Subject and Keywords = change] OR [Subject and Keywords = education] OR [Subject and Keywords = teacher] OR [Subject and Keywords = students] OR [Subject and Keywords = innovation] OR [Subject and Keywords = creativity] OR [Subject and Keywords = activity] OR [Subject and Keywords = cause] OR [Subject and Keywords = need] OR [Subject and Keywords = obstacle] OR [Subject and Keywords = school] OR [Subject and Keywords = progress] OR [Subject and Keywords = development] OR [Title = \(Nie\)codzienność innowacyjnej działalności nauczyciela = \(Un\)commonness of the teacher's innovative activity] OR [Creator = Grzemna, Karolina]

Number of results: 709

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Rocznik Lubuski, 45

Capelo, Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira Costa Varela, John Miguel Diaz, Noemí Serrano Jardim, Maria Helena Gonçalves Farnicka, Marzanna - red.


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