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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = wokalistyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = komunikacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = słowo] OR [Subject and Keywords = muzyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = dźwięk] OR [Subject and Keywords = oddech] OR [Subject and Keywords = mózg] OR [Subject and Keywords = autoterapia] OR [Subject and Keywords = vocalism] OR [Subject and Keywords = communication] OR [Subject and Keywords = word] OR [Subject and Keywords = lyrics] OR [Subject and Keywords = music] OR [Subject and Keywords = sound] OR [Subject and Keywords = breath] OR [Subject and Keywords = brain] OR [Subject and Keywords = self\-therapy] OR [Title = Głos i jego wielowymiarowe konteksty = The voice and its multidimensional contexts] OR [Creator = Kowalkowska, Iwona] OR [Creator = Wyganowska\-Świątkowska, Marzena]

Number of results: 179

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Rocznik Lubuski, 46

Famuła-Jurczak, Anita Gejdos, Miroslav Kobiałka, Andrzej Bąbka, Jarosław - red Zajdel, Krzysztof - red.

ZSJ 2015

Kładoczny, Piotr Steciąg, Magdalena - red. nauk. Adamczyk, Magdalena - red. nauk. Biszczanik, Marek - red. nauk.

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