Kowalski, Mirosław - red. ; Kowalska, Ewa - red.
Traditions of educating social services have been known in Poland since 1925 thanks to the efforts by Helena Radlińska and an association of the most outstanding theoreticians and practitians of social work of that time including; Marian Grotowski, Konstanty Krzeczkowski, Marian Godecki, Ludwik Krzywicki, Wacław Szubert, Kazimierz Korniłowicz, Czesław Babicki, Janusz Korczak, Jan Muszkowski, Faustyn Czerwijowski, Zygmunt Kobyliński, Maurycy Jaroszyński, Jan Strzelecki, Mieczysław Michałowicz, Józef Mikułowski-Pomorski, Władysław Radwan and Stanisław Rychliński, and many others. ; The experiences of the interwar period show that short term preparation of social service employees to take action in social circles did not meet the essential expectations set by the requirements of the dynamically changing conditions of humans life at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 21century social or economic situation requires from the social services employees the use of advanced, social and technology competences. ; This causes that the overall (complex, multidimensional, multidisciplinary) process of university education seems to be necessary to fulfil the requirements of the tasks set to the graduates. Therefore, the basic task is to find model solutions enabling the preparation of the graduates of social work and alike specialisation to perform effective and efficient service for the benefit of Another Person.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Rocznik Lubuski, tom 41, część 2
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Jul 15, 2024
Jul 15, 2024
Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018) Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
Mianowska, Edyta Kowalski, Mirosław - red. Kowalska, Ewa - red.
Cywiński, Zbigniew Świtka, Romuald - red.
Śliwa, Sławomir Kowalski, Mirosław - red. Kowalska, Ewa - red.
Kantowicz, Ewa
Kantowicz, Ewa
Kantowicz, Ewa
Kantowicz, Ewa