
Tytuł: Geografia polityczna województwa lubuskiego po wyborach roku 2006: analiza wybranych zagadnień = Political geography of the Lubuskie province after the 2006 elections: analysis of selected issues


Flakowski, Jarosław

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Nitschke, Bernadetta (1964 - ) - red.

Tytuł publikacji grupowej:

Rocznik Lubuski, 33


W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy dotyczące przeprowadzonych wyborów samorządowych w 2006 roku w woj. lubuskim. Mieszkańcy tego regionu wybrali 1563 z 9647 legalnych kandydatów i 83 przedstawicieli do organów wykonawczych w gminie.


The article presents selected problems concerning the local elections which took place in 2006 in the Lubuskie province. The inhabitants of this region chose 1563 of 9647 legal candidates and 83 representatives for executive organs in the commune. ; The first part of the article contains some information about the procedure of the amendment of the electoral system (law). The elections were carried out on the basis of changed regulations. The author takes into consideration the controversy which arose during the legislative process. Moreover, the contents of the article show the views of selected Polish experts in constitutional law. ; The second part presents the main terms which the author uses in the article. Besides, it sketches out the major rules of vote which were applied during the local elections in 2006. The article also contains some information about the number of representatives for legislative organs in the commune and executive ones at each level of the local council (commune, district, province). Moreover, it shows a statistical outline with personal details about the candidates who were running for local authorities offices during these elections. ; Next, the author presents the results of voting in the districts and at the province level in the Lubuskie region. Besides, the article discusses the outcome of the direct elections for executives in the communes. In this part, the attention is paid to the voting for the Mayor of Zielona Góra and the Mayor of GorzówWielkopolski, who have executive power. Then there is conducted an analysis of the voting results. Moreover, the author makes an attempt at picking the victorious electoral committee. ; The article is concluded with a description of the political and social situation which arose after the announcement of the election results by the State Election Commission (Państwowa Komisja Wyborcza ? PKW). As a result of faulty legislation, some of the local representatives lost their seats. This regulation was challenged, and then the Polish Constitutional Tribunal had to make a decision about it. The competence of this court is stating about regulations being inconsistent with the constitution. The controversial regulation was recognized as being against the constitutional law. PKW, according to the sentence, stopped carrying out by-elections.


Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe



Identyfikator zasobu:




Rocznik Lubuski, tom 33



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