Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
The article presents a concept of manysided instruction of literature. The concept originated from W. Okoń's ideas which where then developed by a number of Polish educators and can now be said to find wider and wider application at various educational levels. It bases on the assumption that the learner's personality forms an indivisible whole. With the end to ensure its harmonious and internally consistent development, it is indispensable for the educational process to take into consideration all of its basic functions which determine the developmental process. ; The functions are: getting to know the world and one's own self, experiencing the world and values functioning in it, changing the world and one's own self. ; Getting to know the world and one's own self is twofold. The learner acquires the knowledge of the world and of man which bas been accumulated by the humanity and does this by using a big number of various sources of the ready-made knowledge or he discovers new areas of knowledge when solving cognitive and practical problems. Both ways are of a considerable significance for the personality development. ; The article, however, stresses the special values of the problem-solwing instruction of literature. Experiencing values and creating them is usually neglected at all the educational levels. The article points to its particular importance for the formation of the system of values which guides the individual in his activities and contrubutes to the development of critical evaluation and to the development of attitudes. In the process of experiencing and creating moral, aesthetic and social values cognitive and emotional factors interrelate. ; Changing the world calls for a deep knowledge of what the individual is to create or transform. Knowledge, however, stops to be a dormant capital in the process but becomes immediately useful for technical or artistic creativity as well as for production processes. At the same time individual, self-dependent work aimed at bringing about changes in the environment contributes to the personality development, helps to develop initiative and ingeniousness, teaches systematic work, forms will and character.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe ; Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna ; Zielona Góra: Kuratorium Oświaty i Wychowania
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Problem wielostronności w nauczaniu literatury = Manysided instruction of literature | 2019-01-09 |
Nowakowski, Jan Roenig, Jan - tł.
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Świątyńska, Zofia Roenig, Jan - tł.
Kurczab, Henryk Roenig, Jan - tł.
Cofalik, Jan (1911-2001) Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
Łojek, Mieczysław (1930-2015) Berezowska, Krystyna - tł.
Furtak, Mariola Pasterniak, Wojciech (1935-2018 ) - red.
Słowiński, Lech (1922-2005) Margul, Elżbieta - tł.